NO MAN’S LAND的創始人是一個可愛的女孩,叫做Mameaw,念出來很像“喵“。她代表了年輕一代的創業者,有知識、有活力、開闊的頭腦以及對未來充滿信心。
The founder of NO MAN'S LAND is a lovely girl named Mameaw, which sounds like “cat voice” when pronounced. She represents the young generation of entrepreneurs who are knowledgeable, energetic, open-minded, and confident about the future.
為什麼叫做no man’s land,大家都是干麼的,怎麼聚在一起?
Why is it called nomansland, what does everyone do and how you guys get together?
這裡本來是個餐廳和酒吧。因為大家都不會起名字就打開字典,閉著眼睛選單詞湊在一起。翻開了三頁,選的單詞分別是“ no”、“ man”、“ land”。
This place used to only be a restaurant and bar. Because no one could come up with a name, we opened the dictionary and chose words blindly. After flipping through three pages, we chose the words "no", "man", and "land". We thought the meaning was pretty good, not "no one", but a place without war, a peaceful place, an island away from strife.
No man’s land最特別之處是什麼?
What is the most special thing about nomansland
No man’s land最特別的地方就是像在自己家一樣,輕鬆而舒服。 這裡有很chill的氛圍,你可以一個人來,然後總能交到新的朋友。 而且我們這什麼都有,食物、咖啡、酒、大麻…….除了室內,還有陽台可以看風景,你可以呆一整天。 除此之外,我們有遊戲區、攤著躺區、聊天區,這種分區讓每個人都能自在。 和其他店鋪不一樣的是,我每天幾乎都在,會和大家聊天,所以大家都可以和店主聊天。
The most unique aspect of No man’s land is that it feels like home, relaxed and comfortable. The atmosphere is chill and you can come alone and always make new friends. We have everything here, food, coffee, alcohol, and of course good cannabis… Apart from the indoor area, there is also a balcony where you can enjoy the scenery and stay the whole day. In addition, we have a game area, a lounge area, and a chatting area, so everyone can feel at ease. What sets us apart from other shops is that I am here almost every day, chatting with everyone, so everyone can talk to the owner.
我不想只是開一個藥房,我想為大麻愛好者提供一個社群。我們經常舉辦活動和講座,展覽等等,來參加活動就能學到新的知識。比如說在之前,我的很多朋友不知道大麻抽的是花,他們以為抽的是葉子。 還有去年我們舉辦大麻杯,15個農場來報名,我們選了5個,贏家是清邁的。
I don't just want to run a dispensary, I want to provide a community for cannabis enthusiasts. We often hold events, lectures, exhibitions, and more, where you can learn new knowledge by participating. For example, many of my friends didn't know that in cannabis is the flowers for smoking , they thought it was leaves. Last year, we held a cannabis cup, with 15 farms signing up, and we selected five winners, with the winner being from Chiang Mai.
We support Thai growers, which is a new opportunity for Thai people. Many people have new jobs, whether it's farming or bartending, and so on.
How the members of the community ,how they live their lives?
我們只是在合法之後把大麻加入進了我們的店鋪。在合法化之前我們就一直在使用。合法之後就順理成章。 現在朋友們更是經常聚在一起,在天台抽大麻,聊天,分享觀點和創作。
We just added cannabis to our shop after it became legal. We have been using it before it was legalized, so it was a natural progression after it became legal.Now, friends gather together, smoke cannabis, chat, share ideas and create on the rooftop.
The state of mind when smoking cannabis is different from drinking alcohol. It is peaceful, gentle, and open to new people. You can build many relationships through cannabis.
The interesting people and things you meet in the course of opening a shop
遇到很多不同職業、不同國家有趣的人,比如說法国的rapper ,冰与火之歌的演员等等。
We have met many interesting people from different professions and countries, such as a rapper from France and an actor from Game of Thrones. We have created many connections and made many friends.
Where the difficulties and resistance come from in doing this,family? police? public perception? Where is the greatest resistance? How to solve?
遇到的問題主要來自那些對大麻完全沒有知識的人。有些人不問,就直接抽了。然後超級stoned,然後恐慌,要叫救護車什麼的。我和我的員工說,要問每個顧客是不是第一次抽。但是有時候人們會撒謊。 出現這種情況之後,我們會給他們很甜的東西,讓他們血糖升上來,讓他們聞inhaler,讓他們躺著,一般來說15分鐘就好了。
The main problem we encounter is from those who have no knowledge about cannabis. Some people just start smoking without asking any questions, then they get super stoned and panic, sometimes even calling an ambulance. I tell my staff to ask every customer if it's their first time smoking, but sometimes people lie. When this happens, we give them something sweet to increase their blood sugar level, let them smell the inhaler, and ask them to lie down. Usually, they'll be fine in about 15 minutes.
As Thailand is the only country where cannabis is legal, it's still a relatively new thing. If we know that a customer is trying cannabis for the first time, I will have my staff help them , teach them how to smoke, take just one puff, wait for a bit, and so on.
How do you keep your enthusiasm and motivation up, as it's not an easy job?
This is the love of my life, and I enjoy doing these things, so I'm happy to do them: organizing events, making the restaurant better, and so on.
As a woman, are you treated differently in this process and do you have to work harder?
It is true that there are fewer female entrepreneurs, but I have proven to myself that I can do this. However, it is only a challenge for myself, and I never compare myself to others. I just do my best.
As for those who are rude to me, I don't care about them.
What advice would you give to female cannabis entrepreneurs so that they can deal with the sexism of their male counterparts?
做自己热爱的事情。不要做自己不喜歡,和沒有知識的事情。 要做什麼,先獲得知識,學習,然後幹就完了。
Do what you love. Don't do things you don't like or have no knowledge of. Figure out what you want to do, acquire knowledge, learn, and then just do it.
My sister used to be an office lady, but one day she told me that she also wanted to open a dispensary. I encouraged her to quit her job and open her own store. Now she has her own dispensary, and I'm very happy for her.
We regularly organize events for women who want to start a business. They can come and find connections, make friends, and seek advice and help from other women.
Have you encountered public doubts? How did you respond?
Of course, most of the skepticism comes from the older generation, because it was illegal in their lifetime. So we need to communicate with them more and share knowledge. Cannabis is just a plant, it won't harm you.
And your parent?
我爸爸也抽,一直都有抽哈哈哈哈哈。現在都是我給他,他不用自己去找了。我小的時候,就在冰箱裡看見過大麻,但他總是否認,“這不是我的哈哈哈哈”。我的媽媽也不會反對,因為她很open mind,我給了她一株大麻,讓她泡茶喝。
My dad also smokes [marijuana], he has been smoking all the time hahaha. Now I give it to him so he doesn't have to find it himself. When I was young, I saw marijuana in the fridge, but he always denied it, saying 'this is not mine hahaha'. My mom also doesn't object because she is very open-minded. I gave her a marijuana plant and let her make tea out of it.
What do you think of the quality of grass in Thailand now and where does the best come from?
The quality of cannabis in Thailand has been improving, thanks to many local growers who learn and practice through online resources. Nowadays, they can grow high-quality cannabis using different methods, which are not all the same.
What do you think people should think about cannabis, regular people and stoners?
I think there should be a class in schools to teach about cannabis knowledge. Because the cannabis business can make money, and all parts of it are good and can be learned how to use. Leaves and roots can be used to make tea and so on.
How do you use cannabis yourself?
It's not appropriate to use marijuana during serious work or in meetings because it may prevent you from being 100% yourself. For example, some strains can make you lazy and want to rest.
However, sometimes it can also help with work, especially when you need to chat and collaborate with someone who is tense. Marijuana can help them relax. Therefore, it's important to find your own way of using marijuana according to the situation. For example, using marijuana may not necessarily help some depressed people. It might make them feel even deeper thinking.
Have you been involved in the movement of decriminalise and legalise cannabis ?
We participate in activities advocating for the legalization of marijuana, such as marches, gatherings, and letter submissions. Additionally, we use our own ways to share knowledge and educate people, such as organizing events.
What are the plans for the future?
What is the ultimate wish?
I hope that NMSL can become a home for all stoners, where everyone feels that this is a warm community.
We welcome everyone. Some communities can be uncomfortable because older members judge new members, but I don't want NMSL to be that kind of place. I hope everyone can feel included and free to share their experiences and ideas. That's why I want to organize more events, lectures, and so on.
I also want to start a cannabis school to teach people how to roll, smoke, grow, and use it for medicinal purposes. This is my dream.
Do you have any suggestions for the government and policy makers?
Conduct more education and inform people that this is not a drug but a medicine.
Offer courses on cannabis in high schools, and assist those who want to start their own cannabis-related businesses.
Also, establish clear regulations as soon as possible because there are too many illegal dispensaries selling cannabis, and many of them even sell it to children. I think this is not good. Perhaps the regulations for selling alcohol can be used as a reference, such as not selling to minors or pregnant women, selling only in designated areas, and keeping a distance from schools, etc. If you don't know how to do this, you can refer to Amsterdam or other countries that have legalized cannabis for guidance.
What impact do you think the legalisation of cannabis have on society?
大家都還在震驚其實。以前都要躲著警察,突然就自由了。之前我也在著名的抓stoner的地方Ban Lat被抓了,還被要求脫衣服搜身,這是非常悲傷和尷尬的經歷。現在可以安全的抽了,不用再躲藏了,我的精神更健康了。
Everyone is still in shock. Before, we had to hide from the police, and suddenly we have freedom. I was once arrested in Ban Lat, a well-known place for catching stoners, and was even asked to undress for a body search. It was a very sad and embarrassing experience. Now, I can safely smoke without hiding, and my mental health is better.
However, more and more people are actually smoking now, and many young children think it's trendy, but they don't have much knowledge, and education hasn't caught up.
How do you think Asia420United will help to change society's perception of cannabis?
What are your hopes for the future of A4U?
I hope that cannabis will be legalized worldwide. We should keep going and not stop, as what we are doing is the right thing. Although ASIA420 is currently just a small voice, in the future, this voice will have a significant impact on the entire 420 community in Asia.